czwartek, 9 października 2014

Bilans otwarcia cz.VII i ostatnia

Okręt podwodny typu Gorbusza 1915-1916 (4 szt.)

Seria okrętów podwodnych, która weszła do służby już po wybuchu Wielkiej Wojny. Jednostki zdolne do działań poza Bałtykiem, charakteryzują się niezłą prędkością nawodną i sporym zasięgiem. Na uwagę zasługuje 6 wyrzutni torpedowych, ilość spotykana ówcześnie na okrętach wyraźnie większych. W latach 1915-1916 zbudowano 6 jednostek tego typu, przetrwały 4.

Gorbusza, Poland Submarine laid down 1915

            391 t light; 401 t standard; 487 t normal; 555 t full load

Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
            170,60 ft / 170,60 ft x 17,39 ft x 11,48 ft (normal load)
            52,00 m / 52,00 m x 5,30 m  x 3,50 m

1 - 2,24" / 57,0 mm guns in single mounts, 6,00lbs / 2,72kg shells, 1904 Model
              Quick firing gun in deck mount on centreline forward
            Weight of broadside 6 lbs / 3 kg
            Shells per gun, main battery: 120
6 - 17,7" / 450 mm submerged torpedo tubes

            Diesel Internal combustion engines plus batteries,
            Electric cruising motors plus geared drives, 1 shaft, 1 724 shp / 1 286 Kw = 17,00 kts
            Range 6 000nm at 11,00 kts
            Bunker at max displacement = 154 tons


            £0,034 million / $0,136 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
            Armament: 1 tons, 0,1%
            Machinery: 65 tons, 13,4%
            Hull, fittings & equipment: 228 tons, 46,8%
            Fuel, ammunition & stores: 96 tons, 19,7%
            Miscellaneous weights: 97 tons, 19,9%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
            Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
              44 lbs / 20 Kg = 7,8 x 2,2 " / 57 mm shells or 0,1 torpedoes
            Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,01
            Metacentric height 0,4 ft / 0,1 m
            Roll period: 12,0 seconds
            Steadiness      - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 1 %
                                   - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,00
            Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 0,00

Hull form characteristics:
            Hull has a flush deck
            Block coefficient: 0,500
            Length to Beam Ratio: 9,81 : 1
            'Natural speed' for length: 13,06 kts
            Power going to wave formation at top speed: 54 %
            Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
            Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 0,00 degrees
            Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
            Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
               - Stem:                    0,10 ft / 0,03 m
               - Forecastle (0%):   0,10 ft / 0,03 m
               - Mid (0%):              0,10 ft / 0,03 m
               - Quarterdeck (0%):            0,10 ft / 0,03 m
               - Stern:                    0,10 ft / 0,03 m
               - Average freeboard:          0,10 ft / 0,03 m
            Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
            Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 237,3%
                        - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 0,7%
            Waterplane Area: 1 900 Square feet or 177 Square metres
            Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 209%
            Structure weight / hull surface area: 76 lbs/sq ft or 369 Kg/sq metre
            Hull strength (Relative):
                        - Cross-sectional: 3,07
                        - Longitudinal: 1,83
                        - Overall: 2,08
            Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is extremely poor
            Room for accommodation and workspaces is extremely poor
            Ship has quick, lively roll, not a steady gun platform
            Caution: Lacks seaworthiness - very limited seakeeping ability

Gorbusza (1915)
Koryfena (1915)
Kulbin (1916)
Tasergal (1916)

Niszczyciel typu Huragan 1916-1918 (8 szt.)

Duży niszczyciel, Brytyjczycy tej wielkości jednostki zaliczali do liderów. Szczególnie silne jest uzbrojenie artyleryjskie, działa o kalibrze ponad 100-105 mm pojawiły się na niszczycielach innych flot dopiero rok później. Nie udało się za to uzyskać większej prędkości (planowałem 35w.). Próby podniesienia prędkości przy tym uzbrojeniu drastycznie obniżały własności morskie i  wytrzymałościowe okrętu. Z tego samego powodu nie imponuje zasięg, ale taka już „uroda” Springsharpa (pisałem już o tym przy okazji niszczyciela Hamsin w poprzednim poście). Pewną nowością jest umieszczenie dział w superpozycji. Tu nasz niszczyciel dzieli pierwszeństwo z brytyjskim Parkerem z 1916 roku., chyba, że coś przegapiłem. Od roku 1917 okręty były wyposażane w zrzutnie bomb głębinowych, co ująłem na rysunku i w raporcie. W latach 1916-1918 ukończono 12 jednostek, ponieważ w czasie Wojny były prawdziwymi „końmi roboczymi” floty, nie może dziwić utrata 4 z nich

Huragan, Poland Destroyer laid down 1916

            1 290 t light; 1 337 t standard; 1 391 t normal; 1 435 t full load

Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
            335,63 ft / 330,71 ft x 31,50 ft x 12,47 ft (normal load)
            102,30 m / 100,80 m x 9,60 m  x 3,80 m

      4 - 4,72" / 120 mm guns in single mounts, 52,91lbs / 24,00kg shells, 1911 Model
              Quick firing guns in deck mounts with hoists on centreline ends, evenly spread,
              2 raised mounts - superfiring
      2 - 2,24" / 57,0 mm guns in single mounts, 6,00lbs / 2,72kg shells, 1904 Model
              Quick firing guns in deck mounts on side, all amidships
            Weight of broadside 218 lbs / 99 kg
            Shells per gun, main battery: 150
      4 - 21,0" / 533 mm above water torpedoes

            Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
            Geared drive, 2 shafts, 28 627 shp / 21 356 Kw = 33,00 kts
            Range 2 000nm at 11,00 kts
            Bunker at max displacement = 97 tons

            113 - 148

            £0,279 million / $1,115 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
            Armament: 28 tons, 2,0%
            Machinery: 728 tons, 52,3%
            Hull, fittings & equipment: 528 tons, 38,0%
            Fuel, ammunition & stores: 101 tons, 7,3%
            Miscellaneous weights: 6 tons, 0,4%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
            Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
              404 lbs / 183 Kg = 7,7 x 4,7 " / 120 mm shells or 0,3 torpedoes
            Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,18
            Metacentric height 1,2 ft / 0,4 m
            Roll period: 12,1 seconds
            Steadiness      - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 53 %
                                   - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,37
            Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 0,76

Hull form characteristics:
            Hull has raised forecastle
              and transom stern
            Block coefficient: 0,375
            Length to Beam Ratio: 10,50 : 1
            'Natural speed' for length: 21,03 kts
            Power going to wave formation at top speed: 66 %
            Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 70
            Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 15,00 degrees
            Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
            Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
               - Stem:                    18,37 ft / 5,60 m
               - Forecastle (30%): 16,73 ft / 5,10 m (9,51 ft / 2,90 m aft of break)
               - Mid (0%):              9,51 ft / 2,90 m
               - Quarterdeck (0%):            9,51 ft / 2,90 m
               - Stern:                    9,51 ft / 2,90 m
               - Average freeboard:          11,88 ft / 3,62 m
            Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
            Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 184,7%
                        - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 77,6%
            Waterplane Area: 6 578 Square feet or 611 Square metres
            Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 59%
            Structure weight / hull surface area: 45 lbs/sq ft or 219 Kg/sq metre
            Hull strength (Relative):
                        - Cross-sectional: 0,73
                        - Longitudinal: 1,81
                        - Overall: 0,80
            Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is cramped
            Room for accommodation and workspaces is cramped
            Poor seaboat, wet and uncomfortable, reduced performance in heavy weather

1 DCR (10)

Huragan (1916)
Orkan (1916)
Tajfun (1916)
Cyklon (1917)
Tornado (1917)
Szkwał (1918)
Burza (1918)
Sztorm (1918)

Trałowiec typu Odra 1916-1917 (5 szt.)

W momencie wybuchu Wielkiej Wojny polska flota nie posiadała żadnego trałowca z prawdziwego zdarzenia. „Na gwałt” trzeba było adaptować do tej roli statki cywilne, przede wszystkim rybackie. Zresztą był to stan normalny w większości flot świata, tylko Rosja miała w roku 1914 10 niewielkich trałowców, a Francja 5 w budowie. Pierwsze dwa trałowce zbudowaliśmy w roku 1915 (Bilans otwarcia cz. III), a rok później rozpoczęto budowę następnych sześciu. W obliczu intensywnej wojny minowej na Bałtyku i tak nie pozwoliło to odesłać adaptowanych trawlerów z powrotem do łowienia śledzi. Nowe trałowce przy dość silnym uzbrojeniu mogły także postawić do 20 min. Szczęśliwie, mimo konieczności pełnienia niebezpiecznej służby, końca Wojny nie dotrwał tylko jeden.

Odra, Poland Minesweeper laid down 1916

            435 t light; 449 t standard; 568 t normal; 662 t full load

Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
            198,47 ft / 196,85 ft x 24,61 ft x 8,20 ft (normal load)
            60,49 m / 60,00 m x 7,50 m  x 2,50 m

      1 - 4,02" / 102 mm guns in single mounts, 31,00lbs / 14,06kg shells, 1913 Model
              Quick firing gun in a deck mount with hoist on centreline forward
      1 - 2,24" / 57,0 mm guns in single mounts, 6,00lbs / 2,72kg shells, 1904 Model
              Quick firing gun in deck mount on centreline amidships, 1 raised gun
      2 - 0,51" / 13,0 mm guns in single mounts, 0,09lbs / 0,04kg shells, 1910 Model
              Machine guns in deck mounts on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts
            Weight of broadside 37 lbs / 17 kg
            Shells per gun, main battery: 150

            Oil fired boilers, complex reciprocating steam engines,
            Geared drive, 2 shafts, 1 944 ihp / 1 450 Kw = 18,00 kts
            Range 6 000nm at 12,00 kts
            Bunker at max displacement = 213 tons

            57 - 75

            £0,058 million / $0,232 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
            Armament: 5 tons, 0,8%
            Machinery: 115 tons, 20,3%
            Hull, fittings & equipment: 307 tons, 54,2%
            Fuel, ammunition & stores: 133 tons, 23,4%
            Miscellaneous weights: 7 tons, 1,2%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
            Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
              1 126 lbs / 511 Kg = 34,8 x 4,0 " / 102 mm shells or 0,7 torpedoes
            Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,13
            Metacentric height 0,8 ft / 0,2 m
            Roll period: 11,8 seconds
            Steadiness      - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 100 %
                                   - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,25
            Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 2,00

Hull form characteristics:
            Hull has rise forward of midbreak
              and transom stern
            Block coefficient: 0,500
            Length to Beam Ratio: 8,00 : 1
            'Natural speed' for length: 16,31 kts
            Power going to wave formation at top speed: 56 %
            Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
            Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 6,00 degrees
            Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
            Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
               - Stem:                    15,42 ft / 4,70 m
               - Forecastle (15%): 14,44 ft / 4,40 m
               - Mid (55%):            14,44 ft / 4,40 m (7,22 ft / 2,20 m aft of break)
               - Quarterdeck (0%):            7,22 ft / 2,20 m
               - Stern:                    7,22 ft / 2,20 m
               - Average freeboard:          11,25 ft / 3,43 m
            Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
            Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 74,7%
                        - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 119,0%
            Waterplane Area: 3 356 Square feet or 312 Square metres
            Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 206%
            Structure weight / hull surface area: 47 lbs/sq ft or 230 Kg/sq metre
            Hull strength (Relative):
                        - Cross-sectional: 1,17
                        - Longitudinal: 6,57
                        - Overall: 1,39
            Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is excellent
            Room for accommodation and workspaces is adequate
            Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
            Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

20 mines

Odra (1916)
Dniestr (1916)
Niemen (1917)
Warta (1917)
Bug (1917)

Krążownik liniowy typu Bolesław Śmiały 1917-1918 (2 szt.)

Największe okręty w naszej flocie i pierwsze krążowniki liniowe z prawdziwego zdarzenia (Jan III Sobieski i Władysław IV ulegną niebawem deklasacji). Okręt jest porównywalny z najsilniejszymi ówczesnymi okrętami tej klasy, czyli praktycznie z brytyjskimi (może jeszcze japoński Kongo). Jeżeli któremuś nieznacznie ustępuje uzbrojeniem, to przewyższa szybkością lub opancerzeniem. „Odpuściłem” trochę z liczby luf artylerii głównej dla uzyskania dużej prędkości; tylko angielskie typy Courageous i Furious były szybsze, ale słabsze, a ten drugi to w ogóle jakaś hybryda. Znowu pojawiło się kilka nowinek; pierwsze działa 356 mm, pierwsze działa przeciwlotnicze i pierwsze dalocelowniki. Od momentu wprowadzenia dalocelowników będzie można bez przymrużenia oka mówić o kontroli ognia. Nie udało się uzyskać zwartej sylwetki, ale przy tej długości okrętu nie było to praktycznie możliwe. Okręt – myślę – udany, powinien być wartościowym składnikiem floty co najmniej do lat trzydziestych. W okresie 1917-1918 wcielono do floty 2 jednostki, ich szybkość pozwalała się uchylić od walki z silniejszym przeciwnikiem, dlatego obyło się bez strat.


Bolesław Śmiały, Poland Battlecruiser laid down 1917

            23 276 t light; 24 674 t standard; 26 053 t normal; 27 157 t full load

Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
            757,18 ft / 754,59 ft x 91,86 ft x 26,57 ft (normal load)
            230,79 m / 230,00 m x 28,00 m  x 8,10 m

      6 - 14,02" / 356 mm guns (3x2 guns), 1 585,12lbs / 719,00kg shells, 1913 Model
              Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes) on centreline ends, majority forward, 1
              raised mount - superfiring
      10 - 4,72" / 120 mm guns in single mounts, 52,91lbs / 24,00kg shells, 1911 Model
              Quick firing guns in casemate mounts on side, evenly spread
      2 - 4,72" / 120 mm guns in single mounts, 52,91lbs / 24,00kg shells, 1911 Model
              Quick firing guns in deck mounts with hoists on side, all aft, all raised mounts -
      7 - 2,95" / 75,0 mm guns in single mounts, 13,01lbs / 5,90kg shells, 1914 Model
              Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts on side, evenly spread, 6 raised mounts
      14 - 2,24" / 57,0 mm guns in single mounts, 6,00lbs / 2,72kg shells, 1904 Model
              Quick firing guns in deck mounts on side, evenly spread, 10 raised mounts
            Weight of broadside 9 922 lbs / 4 501 kg
            Shells per gun, main battery: 150
       4 - 21,0" / 533 mm submerged torpedo tubes

   - Belts:                     Width (max)    Length (avg)               Height (avg)
            Main:   7,87" / 200 mm           485,56 ft / 148,00 m   12,14 ft / 3,70 m
            Ends:   Unarmoured
            Upper: 3,94" / 100 mm           278,87 ft / 85,00 m     7,22 ft / 2,20 m
              Main Belt covers 99% of normal length
              Main belt does not fully cover magazines and engineering spaces

   - Torpedo Bulkhead:
                        2,95" / 75 mm 485,56 ft / 148,00 m   14,76 ft / 4,50 m

   - Gun armour:         Face (max)     Other gunhouse (avg)            Barbette/hoist (max)
            Main:   9,84" / 250 mm           5,91" / 150 mm                      9,84" / 250 mm
            2nd:     3,94" / 100 mm                 -                                  -

   - Armour deck: 2,36" / 60 mm, Conning tower: 9,84" / 250 mm

            Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
            Geared drive, 4 shafts, 110 260 shp / 82 254 Kw = 30,00 kts
            Range 7 500nm at 12,00 kts
            Bunker at max displacement = 2 483 tons

            1 024 - 1 332

            £4,240 million / $16,960 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
            Armament: 1 133 tons, 4,3%
            Armour: 6 865 tons, 26,4%
               - Belts: 2 349 tons, 9,0%
               - Torpedo bulkhead: 783 tons, 3,0%
               - Armament: 1 537 tons, 5,9%
               - Armour Deck: 2 009 tons, 7,7%
               - Conning Tower: 186 tons, 0,7%
            Machinery: 4 042 tons, 15,5%
            Hull, fittings & equipment: 11 224 tons, 43,1%
            Fuel, ammunition & stores: 2 778 tons, 10,7%
            Miscellaneous weights: 12 tons, 0,0%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
            Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
              31 585 lbs / 14 327 Kg = 22,9 x 14,0 " / 356 mm shells or 4,6 torpedoes
            Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,13
            Metacentric height 5,5 ft / 1,7 m
            Roll period: 16,4 seconds
            Steadiness      - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 70 %
                                   - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,60
            Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1,15

Hull form characteristics:
            Hull has rise forward of midbreak
            Block coefficient: 0,495
            Length to Beam Ratio: 8,21 : 1
            'Natural speed' for length: 27,47 kts
            Power going to wave formation at top speed: 49 %
            Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 61
            Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 6,00 degrees
            Stern overhang: -2,95 ft / -0,90 m
            Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
               - Stem:                    24,61 ft / 7,50 m
               - Forecastle (15%): 21,65 ft / 6,60 m
               - Mid (75%):            21,65 ft / 6,60 m (14,44 ft / 4,40 m aft of break)
               - Quarterdeck (0%):            14,44 ft / 4,40 m
               - Stern:                    14,44 ft / 4,40 m
               - Average freeboard:          20,03 ft / 6,10 m
            Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
            Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 111,2%
                        - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 167,0%
            Waterplane Area: 45 977 Square feet or 4 271 Square metres
            Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 108%
            Structure weight / hull surface area: 174 lbs/sq ft or 849 Kg/sq metre
            Hull strength (Relative):
                        - Cross-sectional: 0,99
                        - Longitudinal: 1,11
                        - Overall: 1,01
            Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is cramped
            Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent
            Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform

Bolesław Smiały (1917)
Bolesław Krzywousty (1918)

Krążownik lekki typu Bydgoszcz 1914-1915 (4 szt.)

Średniej wielkości lekki krążownik przeznaczony do działań na liniach żeglugowych nieprzyjaciela, wspierania własnych niszczycieli i osłony ciężkich jednostek przed atakami sił lekkich wroga. Okręt posiada dość dobrze rozmieszczoną artylerię główną, dobrą prędkość i zasięg oraz bardzo dobre – jak na jednostkę tej wielkości i klasy - opancerzenie. W latach 1914-1915 zbudowano 6 okrętów tego typu, Wielką Wojnę przeżyły 4.

Bydgoszcz, Poland Light cruiser laid down 1914

            4 888 t light; 5 074 t standard; 5 959 t normal; 6 667 t full load

Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
            497,84 ft / 492,13 ft x 49,21 ft x 17,22 ft (normal load)
            151,74 m / 150,00 m x 15,00 m  x 5,25 m

5 - 5,98" / 152 mm guns in single mounts, 99,87lbs / 45,30kg shells, 1913 Model
       Quick firing guns in deck mounts with hoists on centreline ends, majority aft, 3 raised mounts -
2 - 5,98" / 152 mm guns in single mounts, 99,87lbs / 45,30kg shells, 1913 Model
       Quick firing guns in deck mounts with hoists on side, all amidships
8 - 2,24" / 57,0 mm guns in single mounts, 6,00lbs / 2,72kg shells, 1904 Model
       Quick firing guns in deck mounts on side, evenly spread, 6 raised mounts
     Weight of broadside 623 lbs / 283 kg
     Shells per gun, main battery: 150
4 - 21,0" / 533 mm above water torpedoes

   - Belts:                     Width (max)    Length (avg)               Height (avg)
            Main:   3,94" / 100 mm           367,45 ft / 112,00 m   9,84 ft / 3,00 m
            Ends:   Unarmoured
              Main Belt covers 115% of normal length

   - Gun armour:         Face (max)     Other gunhouse (avg)            Barbette/hoist (max)
            Main:   3,94" / 100 mm           2,95" / 75 mm                   -

   - Armour deck: 1,97" / 50 mm, Conning tower: 3,94" / 100 mm

            Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
            Geared drive, 4 shafts, 38 588 shp / 28 787 Kw = 28,00 kts
            Range 8 000nm at 14,00 kts
            Bunker at max displacement = 1 593 tons

            338 - 440

            £0,589 million / $2,356 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
            Armament: 99 tons, 1,7%
            Armour: 1 277 tons, 21,4%
               - Belts: 580 tons, 9,7%
               - Torpedo bulkhead: 0 tons, 0,0%
               - Armament: 81 tons, 1,4%
               - Armour Deck: 588 tons, 9,9%
               - Conning Tower: 28 tons, 0,5%
            Machinery: 1 486 tons, 24,9%
            Hull, fittings & equipment: 2 013 tons, 33,8%
            Fuel, ammunition & stores: 1 071 tons, 18,0%
            Miscellaneous weights: 12 tons, 0,2%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
            Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
              6 666 lbs / 3 024 Kg = 62,2 x 6,0 " / 152 mm shells or 1,3 torpedoes
            Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,19
            Metacentric height 2,4 ft / 0,7 m
            Roll period: 13,4 seconds
            Steadiness      - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 73 %
                                   - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,30
            Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1,13

Hull form characteristics:
            Hull has raised forecastle
            Block coefficient: 0,500
            Length to Beam Ratio: 10,00 : 1
            'Natural speed' for length: 22,18 kts
            Power going to wave formation at top speed: 54 %
            Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 65
            Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 15,00 degrees
            Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
            Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
               - Stem:                    21,33 ft / 6,50 m
               - Forecastle (35%): 19,36 ft / 5,90 m (12,14 ft / 3,70 m aft of break)
               - Mid (0%):              12,14 ft / 3,70 m
               - Quarterdeck (0%):            12,14 ft / 3,70 m
               - Stern:                    12,14 ft / 3,70 m
               - Average freeboard:          14,94 ft / 4,55 m
            Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
            Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 94,5%
                        - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 97,8%
            Waterplane Area: 16 136 Square feet or 1 499 Square metres
            Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 118%
            Structure weight / hull surface area: 79 lbs/sq ft or 384 Kg/sq metre
            Hull strength (Relative):
                        - Cross-sectional: 0,99
                        - Longitudinal: 1,14
                        - Overall: 1,01
            Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is adequate
            Room for accommodation and workspaces is adequate
            Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform

Bydgoszcz (1914)
Opole (1914)
Bytom (1915)
Łuck (1915)


No to mamy już aktualny stan floty na koniec roku 1918. W następnym poście przedstawię tabelaryczne zestawienie zbiorcze, a być może i graficzne. Ponadto nakreślę w skrócie założenia dla dalszego rozwoju floty.